As with any exercise program, you should consult your doctor before starting. The Northumberland Runners group or individuals within the group do not take responsibility for an individual’s actions should they choose to run.

Watch this video to get a good idea on how to use the community.

When you first signup for the Northumberland Runners Chat Community, you are automatically subscribed to all TOPICS.  This means that when something gets posted in a topic, you will get an email notification of the new post.  This saves you having to check directly into the community to see if there is anything new.

As we migrate users onto the new platform, you may get a lot of email notifications. This should settle out as we become established.

If you want to reduce the number of email notifications, you can turn off notifications from some or all of the TOPICS.  For example, you just want to know about Sunday Run.  Just stay subscribed to Sunday Run topic and you will get an email notification when something new is posted.

You can always pop directly into the Northumberland Runners Community to see all content.

To turn off notifications, just go into a topic and look in the top right corner for where the bell is.  Click the bell. Decide if you want no notification (uncheck all three choices) or if you just want some notifications.

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